We hope that sharing some of our experiences with this litter will be fun for the new owners to read
as well as informative to those thinking of purchasing a Lab puppy in the future or possibly breeding their Labrador Retriever.
WEEK #7 The Puppies Become More Independent
What happens during Week 7 with the litter:
- Puppies are introduced to different surfaces, people, toys.
- Hopefully the puppies will get some outside time (weather permitting).
- Puppies are almost fully weaned from mom but she will continue to interact with them as she desires.
- Puppies continue to learn what it is like to bite and be bitten by their litter mates (this helps them learn bite inhibition).
- Puppies interact more with our other dogs (and cat) under supervision.
- Puppy "play day" is held for Deb's friends/co-workers to come socialize the puppies.
- Puppies continue to increase in weight rapidly.
- Puppies eat solid food 3 to 4 times per day as well as water now and nurse rarely.
- Puppies will get their first vaccination this week.
3/18/05 Happy Six Week Birthday to the puppies!
Some "breeders" send their puppies home at 6 weeks. That is because they often get quite messy, loud and are extra work. However this is not best for the puppies' mental/social development thus our puppies will be here a couple of more weeks yet.

This is the ONLY time I can catch them all together and holding still (naptime)!!
3/19/05 Puppies were dewormed again today -- they lapped it right up!
Some candids......
Coach being introspective (or worn out from playing).

Playing with their "Aunt Lily" (pug).

Afraid he is missing something!
3/20/05 Puppy "Play Day" was held this afternoon with many visitors of different ages and sizes here to play with and hold the puppies. The puppies had their first exposure to water -- in the bath tub......too cold for the wading pool, it would have been frozen!

Two of our puppy socializers.
3/21/05 We finally had a sunny day with temps in the upper 30s. Our deck gets a lot of sun and since the puppies have such nice thick coats I decided to put them outside for a bit. They were out for about an hour and never seemed cold. Our other dogs kept them amused and I think they enjoyed the fresh air.
3/22/05 Today another breeder friend (thanks, Donna!) came to help stack and evaluate the pups.
Here are the newest photos from her visit.


Some head shots of Tango.

Mr. Green Jeans.

Little Bear.


Flirt and Honey together.
3/23/05 Pups got a little outside time today on the deck. One of their new owners brought some pheasant wings to them. Each pup got a turn playing with the wings and were quite interested in them.
More "Labrador Nursery Diary" Pages

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